Thursday, January 12, 2006

Study: 15 Percent of U.S. Work Force Under the Influence of Alcohol

Study: 15 Percent of U.S. Work Force Under the Influence of Alcohol - Occupational Hazards
The study, conducted by the University of Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions, estimates that 2.3 million workers (1.8 percent of the work force) have consumed alcohol at least once before coming to work and 8.9 million workers (7.1 percent of the work force) have drank alcohol at least once during the workday. Most workers who drink during the workday do so during lunch breaks, though some drink while working or during other breaks, according to the study.
Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace - U.S. Department of Labor
Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace is a U.S. Department of Labor initiative that raises awareness about the impact drugs and alcohol have on the workplace and provides information on how to establish drug-free workplace programs that protect worker safety and health.


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